Made for this generation, the new alpha youth series creatively unpacks the real questions young people have.

Consisting of 10 episodes run over 8 weeks, the Alpha Youth series introduces and explores the core ideas of the Christian faith in a relevant and engaging way.
Today's young people have an increasing level of openness, optimism and curiosity. They want to make and inspire change in the world around them. They seek out authenticity and integrity. The new Alpha Youth Series has been made with and for this generation, weaving in their priorities, challenges and questions.
The 10-episode series introduces and explores the core ideas of the Christian faith in a relevant, accessible, and engaging way.
Each episode is designed to spark real, open conversations where teens feel excited, safe and empowered to engage with the big questions of life, faith and purpose.
Alpha Youth is a global initiative spanning across continents and languages, reaching into churches, youth groups, schools, cafes, and homes worldwide.
Our aim is to develop a new series that resonates universally, empowering young people from all walks of life to confidently invite their friends, regardless of their country, context or background.



A globally influenced series needs a global team of Gen Z hosts to anchor the new episodes and take young people on a journey of faith and exploration. From London, Canada, Perth, Oklahoma, Manilla, and Brisbane, we can't wait for you to meet Isaac, Micah, Maria, Danielle, Rocco and Johnny!

"He came back over the next couple of weeks [to Alpha Youth] and one of the episodes really resonated with him to the point where we weren’t able to finish the episode as he had so many questions around Jesus and suffering. From there he came to youth, he responded to the altar call on a Friday night and he gave his life to Christ. Since then, he’s been coming every week to youth, he’s a core kid in our youth ministry, and he decided to get baptised! Alpha Youth was the perfect tool to paint the picture of the gospel to him.“
LAI RAMODE / Youth Pastor at Dwelling Place

"We’ve been using Alpha Youth as our main curriculum as we are planting a youth ministry. Most of our young people come from unchurched homes and have never had conversations about the basics of faith or what it means to call yourself a follower of Christ."
KATHY GARLAND / Youth Pastor at Journey Church

"I have a few students who attend my regular youth group who say they are sceptics, but they love coming along because they feel it is one of the only spaces where they can have deep and meaningful discussions about life’s meaning and spirituality."
BARTHOLOMEW BUNK / Youth Minister at Daramalan College
What Other MINISTRY LEADERS are saying
Alpha Youth works thanks to leaders with a heart for evangelisation. Here are some of their stories.
All the resources and training you need to run Alpha Youth is available right now. But that’s just the beginning. Alpha Youth takes prayer (lots of prayer), gathering a team and making a plan. Follow this roadmap and you are onto a winner, and please reach out to the team if there is anything we can do to support, or pray for.
Register Your Alpha
Alpha includes all the series, conversation guides, and
marketing resources for you to host and share Jesus with others. It’s all 100% free and available right now.
Gather Your Team
Don’t go at this alone! Gather people to help with planning, inviting, hosting and running. We have training videos available to help get your team ready.
Get The Invite Out
There are heaps of great invitational resources in MyAlpha for you, but the BEST invitation is a simple
question, ‘do you want to come to Alpha with me?’
Run... and Run Again!
Don’t stop at one! Creating a rhythm of running Alpha
Youth helps build confidence for young people to invite
their friends, and opens up opportunities for previous guests to step into hosting and leadership roles.
Full Series Trailer
Watch the full Alpha Youth Series trailer. You can download and share this trailer and more via MyAlpha.
Behind the Scenes
Get insight in to how the new Alpha Youth Series was created, who the series is for, and why it's by youth, for youth.

Welcome to the conversation
You’re invited! Session 1 helps create the space to ask life’s big questions around purpose and explore what truly matters. We will explore the topics of happiness and living life to the fullest.

Jesus is...
This session explores who Jesus was and is – through history, his teachings, and his goodness. There’s evidence to suggest Jesus was more than a great religious teacher. His life, death and resurrection is the centrepiece of the Christian faith. The resurrection not only suggests that God exists, but also that God has revealed himself through Jesus.

What does real love look like?
This session looks at the meaning of real, unconditional, sacrificial love, exploring sin, forgiveness, and God’s amazing grace. We will explore the topics of sin and separation; why Jesus died; and having a relationship with God.

Why would I want a relationship with god?
From everyday friendships to a relationship with God – this session explores what it means to be invited into a relationship with God and how it transforms and changes us.

What does a relationship with god look like?
In this session, we build on Session 4 and explore the practical and the personal ways we can grow our relationship with God through prayer, the Bible and worship. We will explore the topics of why we should pray, why we should read the Bible, how worship is a way of expressing love for God.

Who is the holy spirit?
This session gives an introduction to the topic of the Holy Spirit and how He works in us. The Holy Spirit was present at the creation of the universe. When God created humankind, made in His image, it was the Spirit of God that breathed life into them. We will explore the topics of who the Holy Spirit is and what the Holy Spirit could do in my life.

How can i be filled with the holy spirit?
This session builds on session 6 and looks at how we experience God’s love through the Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. We will explore what experiencing the Holy Spirit looks like, common barriers to being filled with the Holy Spirit, and an opportunity to encounter the Holy Spirit.

How does god help us overcome evil?
Here we discuss what evil is, where we see it in the world, and what the Bible says we can do to face it and overcome it. We will explore what evil really is, what tactics the devil uses, what Christians believe, how we arm ourselves against the forces of evil, and how we fight evil in our world.

Does God heal today?
God invites us to play a part in bringing healing to others. The Gospels are full of stories of how Jesus healed people miraculously. In this session, we look at what healing is, how healing is presented in the Bible and how we play our part.

What happens next?
The church is the family of God. It’s people, not a building. It’s a movement of hope and love. We are all invited to live out our faith in community with other believers. God works through the church to extend love to the whole world. The final session in the series looks at Church, community and what’s next after Alpha Youth. This isn’t the end; Alpha Youth is just the start.